I first discovered this poem in A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry,
Because let’s be honest: most authors’ complete works are a bit of a slog. I recall having a chat with another English major girlfriend (Hi Lynelle!) who had the pluck to tackle Shakespeare's Complete Sonnets.
And yet … there are duds. And the duds are not altogether infrequent.
It’s quite comforting that even great writers have off days.
This poem is not a dud.
A Woman Meets An Old Lover
He with whom I ran hand in hand
kicking the leathery leaves down Oak Hill Path
thirty years ago
appeared before me with anxious face, pale,
almost unrecognized, hesitant,
He whom I cannot remember hearing laugh out loud
but see in mind’s eye smiling, self-approving,
wept on my shoulder.
He who seemed always
to take and not give, who took me
so long to forget,
remembered everything I had so long forgotten.
Denise Levertov on Wikipedia
Denise Levertov on Poets.org
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